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There could be a possibility, but when some men and women stray from their mates and find someone else and have an affair it's usually because they are unhappy in their relationship with their partner. Don't you think it's time to sit down and discuss your marriage with your wife? Be honest with yourself as well. Ask yourself these things: How attentive have you been to her in the past? When was the last time you bought her flowers or told her how beautiful she was? When was the last time you asked about her and hopes and dreams? When was the last time you sat down and planned something exciting for both of you to do? I think by now you realize what I am saying. Perhaps she is just a drifter and feels she needs someone else in her life, but you both obviously loved each other to have gotten married so it's important you give it your best try to get her back. Communicate with her! Good luck The possibility of your wife still loving you after an affair of two and a half years is slim to none. However, if you still desire to stay married to her, please seek professional marriage counseling. So sad you're having to go through this, but please don't have false hopes. Her actions have answered your question.

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It is possible, but it may take a long time and work on both peoples end. Trust is a hard thing to get back

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Q: What is the possibility of your wife still loving you after she's had an affair for two and a half years?
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