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There is no definite answer to your question. A boy's "cuteness" is determined by personal preference, and is likely to differ from person to person.

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Q: What makes a boy cute?
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cute?? it that what his voice is? it makes u think of an older boy, but im not exactly sure cute would be sufficient.

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It doesn't matter the sex.It's their personality and happiness that makes them cute.

How cute can a boy be?

A boy can be as cute as you think the boy is because all girls have different taste in boys:)

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How do you say cute boy in french?

A cute boy is 'un garçon mignon' in French.

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Harvest moon cute cheats ds?

none :( there are glitches for the boy version, but they were fixed in cute

Is skitty that cute?

I may be a boy, but yes it is really cute.

What does papi chulo?

Means Cute Daddy, or Cute Boy

What is something that is cute?

something that is cute is a boy telling a girl she is pretty =)

Why are boy's cute?

because they exersize