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They would starve to death.

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Q: What would happen to people if there were no food?
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What would happen if junk food was healthy for you?

probably not as many people would be fat

What will happen if there is no food for dolphins?

The same thing that would happen to humans if we had no food.

What would happen if you had to choose between clothes or food?

If the human race were to only to have one of those things, this is what would happen. I we only had clothes and no food, people would die of starvation, but they would die feeling secure about themselves. (sad yes i know) If people lived naked without clothes, but had food, the human race would still survive, but people would be very insecure. I guess over time, people would get used to it. I doubt this will every happen unless our economy went really bad and clothe industries went out of bussiness.

What would happen if people lived off of fast food?

people could gain alot of weight and could probably die because of all the fat in the food

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what would happen if your digestive system did not digest your food.

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What happen to the food chain where it is connected?

the happen is the people eating chicken joy and the dog eating dog food?

What would happen to Earth if there were no food?

If the world becomes overpopulated there will be an increase in crime and poverty. There is a lot of speculation over what would actually happen. Some say people would turn to cannibalism. Others say the government would take drastic measures such as rationing food and limiting the number of children one can have.

What would happen to an owl if it ran out of food?

it would miy

What would happen if fertilizer was banned?

we would have no food left :)

What would happen to the food pyramid?

The pyramid would collapse.

What would happen if were was no food?

all life would end