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African Americans alone

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Q: Which race had the lowest percentage of married people?
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Which race had the highest percentage of married people?

Asian alone

Which race had the lowest percentage of divorced or separated?

Asian alone

What is the race percentage of votes for each presidential candidate in 1800?

There was no race. Congress voted for the president, not the people .

Joe was both fifth highest and fifth lowest in a race How many people in the race?

There are 9 people in the race. Think about it this way - for him to be 5th highest, there must be 4 people above him (1st place, 2nd, 3rd and 4th). For him to be 5th lowest, there are also 4 people below him. So 4 above plus 4 below plus him = 9 participants

What percentage of race constitutes Latino?

100% of Latin people are Latino.

What age can aboriginal people get married?

The same as EVERY other race.

Joe was both 5th highest and 5th lowest in a race How many people participated?


Mariam was both the 15th highest and the 15th lowest in a certain race. How many players were in this race?

The answer is 29 because there's 14 people higher than her which makes her 15th highest and there's 14 people lower than her which makes her 15th lowest.

What is the percentage of white people in France?

85 percent as of 2004 white race people in France are Reducing Because Of Immigration and High Fertility Rate of ImmigrantsEspeciallyBlack race People

Which race had the highest percentage of divorced or separated people?

American Indian and Alaska Natives

What percentage of people street race?

Both a very small number and far too many.

What race is of lowest intelligence?

The Human Race. every race is intelligent there is no smarter one or nonsmart one