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Well, having sex is a beautiful thing between two people. I don't know how old she is but if she is a teenage, she can be experimenting. Nowadays, I hear, kids are trying a little of everything and when they get through the phase it's over. She could be gay and so what that is only one part of a person's being. Is she a good, decent kid, that has a heart and soul, I'm sure? I know it sounds easy to write then it would to see this but there are worse things she could be doing, drugs, violence, etc. Sit down with her and have a heart to heart about her sexual feelings and decisions. It has to be approached or resentment will set in on both of you. Listen to what she has to say.....she's not you, don't forget.

A:Well, I would let her choose what she wants to be, but I wouldn't allow her to have sex if she's still a younger teenager. Just ask, talk to her about it, and leave the subject alone. A:I have no idea how many times I've seen this particular questioning problem & the answers are usually the same too. Truthfully humans will always react in a routine like manner when it comes to any situation. For this one it is panic, denial, confusion, anger, rejection & so on, although sometimes it can turn out the opposite but it doesn't inherently mean either outcome is a solution. Choice is relevant in a human life & through this answer I will not bring god or religion in.

It is proven that the danger of homosexuality is higher than heterosexuality. Studies prove the life expectancy is also lower for those among the homosexual category. Not only that one of the most important facts is the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, for the risk is in fact far much greater among homosexuals of both lesbians and gays than it will ever be among heterosexuals. Now in opposition of this debate I can speak for them in one area. Studies also prove that homosexuals have a particular increased area in the brain showing the discovered resulting influence of such behavior.

*sighs* But enough of the technical crap, she made a decision. Perhaps it may be a bad one but the truth is we can only show our children the path, we cannot make them walk it. Forcing your good intentions on someone else is no different than an evil act. However consequences are dire & we all learn them in one way or another.

Now I will say this, there is a specific that most people do not examine & that is love. Love is in fact very overwhelming & it is practically impossible to control, nothing like the human body. I believe anyone can love anyone & that love can be equal in all aspects. Still what your daughter must understand is that "love" and "lust" are two different things & are completely separate from each other. For instance it is very possible for one to engage in sexual intercourse with another and have absolutely no feelings for that other person (such as prostitution). So we answer a most obvious question if lust can live without love then love can obviously live without lust. Take the maternal love of a mother or the love among siblings, we cannot say that that is not equal to any other form of love for there are plenty of parents and siblings that would die for one another.

You see that is true love, now what you need to ask your daughter is if she loves this girl. Would she die for her, go to the ends of the earth for her, risk her life in every way, shape or form? & after that you need to ask her, if this girl you love was incapable of having sexual intercourse due to birth defect, physical injury or simply choice would you still be able to love her as equally as you do now? Such questions are among the most purest forms you can portray & they will definitely bring thought into play.

Truth is sex is passion physically portrayed but it is only meant to be portrayed by two people of the opposite sex, that is because sex's true purpose is child birth. I mean you don't need to bring god in the conversation to know that that's the way it's supposed to be. (Laughs) Just look down there, it's common sense on what fits what. Even science says it as plain as day, opposites are meant to attract in order to create something new all together. It's nature & nature will react with consequence if you go against it's flow, it's cycle. I mean it is already reacting, why do you think sexually transmitted diseases exist, why do you think humans are living shorter live, why do you think there are so many illnesses now when long before our time we were much stronger?

It is all because our choices of the past, the choices of our fathers and mothers are catching up with us to the point now where we aren't even able to control it. People are being born with disorders that they didn't even choose to be born with & now even our sexual preference isn't completely our fault, it's all linking down to the sins of those who came before. When you go against the balance it will push back at you even if it's a hundred years later.

My final words are this, it comes down to choice. Will we choose increase the fatality of our father's mistake by adding more mistakes further disrupting the balance or will we change our decisions, break the distortion & strive to bring back balance in the world. Your daughter needs to realize that what she's doing may not be her fault but it's not going to make things better for this world if she continues to confuse lust with love.

A:I could not disagree more. Yes what you saw probably shocked you. It might even make you wonder where you went wrong. You didn't go wrong at all, you are a great parent and the fact your daughter is a lesbian doesn't in any way make you less of a parent.

I don't know if religion plays an important part in your life or how it might effect your relationship with your daughter. How important are your religious beliefs to you?

For me personally the issue comes down to do your love your lesbian daughter? If so how has this revelation changed that? I would ask of you that you be patient and understanding of your daughter and yourself. Also one last suggestion, try PFLAG, Parents and Friends of Lesbian and Gays. They are great sources for what you are dealing with. Good luck.

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That's completely normal. Masturbating is natural for teens and it starts between the age of eleven and fifteen. You'd rather if she was doing it by her self than doing it with someone, wouldn't you? Just let her do it, and don't bring it up, unless you hadn't had "the talk" with her yet.

It's a completely normal thing to do. But sometimes it becomes a desiring and an obsession so you need to tell the child to control herself and not carry away because it isn't a pleasant sight in public. But it's a completely normal thing in teens so you shouldn't tell her not to do it. Just make sure she doesn't get too obsessed.

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