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kites is a story which shows us that hurbert was a fool man..its good that he was obedient of his mother but his wife was also now the part of his life!he was mad about to fly kites..but kites were using him

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In the story "The Kite" by W. Somerset Maugham, the kite represents youthful ambition, innocence, and a desire for adventure. Herbert sees the kite as a way to escape his mundane life and reach for something higher.

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Q: What did the kite represent to herbert in the story kite by W Maugham?
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Critical analysis of the story the kite bt willaiam somsert maugham?

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In The Kite Runner what does the kite represent?

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What is the meaning of the kite in the novel of W Somerset Maugham?

The main theme in this short story is - as I see it - family matters. Our most important main character, Herbert, is brought up in a very different way compared to the average child. He is, all through the story extremely close bound to his mother; only at the time where he lives with Betty, he is separated from her. But even when he is physically separated from her, he is still mentally dependent on her, in the way that he can't help to go and see her and his father at the common every Saturday. He either hates here ore loves her more than any other girl. It doesn't, take Herbert many seconds to decide to come and help his parents with their new kite, when he hears that they have found, an other boy who can help them with their new kite. In a figurative sense Herbert hasn't got his umbilical cord cut. A symbol for that might be the kite flying. If you are flying a kite, you must have contact with it all the time trough a line ore a string. So does Beatrice have contact with Herbert the entire time, Herbert can go and get married but in the end, he'll always come back to his mum. Another symbol might be the fact that as Herbert gets older his mother gradually starts buying bigger and more expensive kites. The reason for this is, of course, that she wants to keep him close by herself. This might sound quite normal, but the way she does it is not normal. Her only reason for doing it is to please herself, and keep Herbert from coming out and see what life really is. I think that he is way to dependent on his mother, his age considered. However this is not Herbert's fault, but his mother's. You might see Herbert and his mother as a couple, where Herbert only has room for one girl at the time, first his mother, then Betty, and then his mother again. His mother on the other hand has room for two men in her life at the same time, Herbert and Samuel. I have chosen to compare "The Kite" with tree other short stories and one movie. The short stories are "Clara's Day", "The Terrapin" and "A Chip In The Sugar". The movie is "American Beauty". They all have the same main theme, family matters. Particularly "A Chip In The Sugar" is comparable to "The Kite". In both stories the main character is a boy who is extremely dependent on his mother. In short terms I'd say, that Mr. Mougham's message with this story is to explain us how important, it is to let go of your children soon enough. I also think that he is trying to show how great damage it can do if a mother - this is normally done by mothers - is fussing to much over her child.