One US dollar is equal to 84.45 Kenyan shillings.
5 danish krone = 0.9432 US dollar almost 1 dollar
At current conversion rates, 5000 bolivares is equal to approximately 795 US Dollars. However, as currency rates change frequently, it is best to check frequently to ensure you are getting up to the minute conversion rates.
100 cents of US dollar is equal to 1 US dollar, easy as that.
"Diez Bolivares" is Spanish for "10 Bolivars", "Bolivar" being the currency used in Venezuela. As a US Dollar is currently (as of April 5, 2010) equal to 2,146 Bolivars, 10 Bolivars would be equal to about half a US Cent. Numismatically, a 10 Bolivar coin may be worth more than that, but it would depend on the date and condition of the coin in question.
"Diez Bolivares" is Spanish for "10 Bolivars", "Bolivar" being the currency used in Venezuela. As a US Dollar is currently (as of April 5, 2010) equal to 2,146 Bolivars, 10 Bolivars would be equal to about half a US Cent. Numismatically, a 10 Bolivar coin may be worth more than that, but it would depend on the date and condition of the coin in question.
"Diez Bolivares" is Spanish for "10 Bolivars", "Bolivar" being the currency used in Venezuela. As a US Dollar is currently (as of April 5, 2010) equal to 2,146 Bolivars, 10 Bolivars would be equal to about half a US Cent. Numismatically, a 10 Bolivar coin may be worth more than that, but it would depend on the date and condition of the coin in question.
one real equal to 0.5020 us dollar.
Buck is a slang term for a US dollar so one buck is equal to one US dollar
About 10 pesos are in a US dollar
0.003 tenge equal one dollar
0.232558 usd
one dollar is equal to about 6.8 yuan
One US dollar is equal to 84.45 Kenyan shillings.