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Q: If an individual's cost of capital were 10 percent heshe would prefer to receive 107 at the end of one year rather than 100 right now?
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Some live as individuals, others prefer the safety of numbers and live in groups. Pronghorn, meerkats and prairie dogs are some animals that prefer to be in groups.

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8/35 * 100% = 22.8571% = around 22.8% or 23% if you prefer

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Their perference is unspecified. They may prefer blue to red or red to blue or have no preference or might not care to share it.

Would a rational investor prefer to receive 1200 today rather than 100 per month for 12 months?

Yes, because (s)he could invest 1100 today and draw out 100 per month. That would provide the same capital stream but there would be the interest as a bonus.

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11, or 11.25 exactly, but you can't have a quarter of a kid. 33% prefer chocolate means that there are 45 people total (33% x 3 = ~100%, 15 x 3 = 45), so 25% of 45 is ~11.

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A 100%. they prefer to laugh at boys instead