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Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity

= 300,000 + 300,000

= 600,000

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Q: If the liablilities owned by a business total 300000 and owners equity is equal to 300000 then will the assets also total 300000?
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If your total assets is 420000 total liabilities 215000 paid in capital 75000 what is your retained earnings?

Assets = Liablilities + Equity (Equity = Paid in Capital + Retained Earnings) So, 420,000 - 215,000 - 75,000 = 130,000

Is owners equity equal to the business liabilities less the business assets?

No. Owners Equity is equal to Business Assets less Business Liabilities.

What are assets liabilities and equity?

It is the basic accounting equation which shows the relationship of business assets toward liability and equity and it tells that all assets must generate enough money to pay all liabilities and owner's capital to be successful business.

Which account would normally have a credit balance?

The Liablilities, the revenue, the accumulated depreciation, the Owner's equity.

What are Two types of equity in a business?

Liabilties and Assets

Are owners equity and debtor fall under asset?

Owner equity is liability for business falls under liability or equity side while debters are current assets of business and fall under current assets.

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How do you figure total equity if give assets debt sales and profit margin?

Answer:The accounting equation (or business equation) states that total assets equal total liabilities plus equity. To figure out equity, you need to know total assets as well as total liabilities. Assuming there are no liabilities other than debt, equity equals assets minus debt.

What are the five classifications of accounts?

The five classifications of accounts are assets, liabilities, owner's equity, revenues, and expenses. Assets represent what a company owns, liabilities represent what a company owes, owner's equity represents the owner's investment in the business, revenues are the income generated from business activities, and expenses are the costs incurred to generate revenue.

What are some examples of owner's equity?

Owner's equity shows the owners investments minus their withdrawals from the business. Basically it is the assets minus the liabilities.

Which of the following business transactions would cause a decrease both in assets and owner's equity?

a withdrawl