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Q: What is the amount of money you will have to pay back in addition to the money you borrowed?
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Ramesh borrowed money from the bank to purchase a car. In addition to paying back the borrowed funds what else will he owe the bank?

He will definitely pay interest on the amount outstanding each month... He may also have had to pay an arrangement fee.

What is the mortgage of owning a house?

the amount of money you have borrowed from the bank which you must pay back over 25+ years.

Do i still have to pay the lien even if i don't want the car?

If you borrowed money to purchase a car then you are required to pay it back.If you borrowed money to purchase a car then you are required to pay it back.If you borrowed money to purchase a car then you are required to pay it back.If you borrowed money to purchase a car then you are required to pay it back.

What is money borrowed and not yet paid back?


Money borrowed that must be paid back?

A loan.

How do you collect money owed to you?

tell people who borrowed your money that you would like it back

What is lending of money?

it is when you give someone money, then you have to give back what you have borrowed. does that make sense?

How Much Money Did You Borrowed From Her?

As we do not know who she is and were not present when you made the arrangement, we can not answer this question for you. However, if you are unsure of the amount then you must rely on her recollection of the arrangement and pay back what she asks.

How does the bank make money by lending money?

If a bank lends you money that you don't have, in the future you will have to pay them back, more than you had borrowed. This is because, while the bankers wait, it costs more money to pay back then what you borrowed. I hope this helped you out! Thanks and have a great day!

Do you get money back after paying off auto loan in advance?

Yes you do get mone back after payin back all of the money that u have borrowed and more

What is the interest rate and monthly payment amounts?

The interest rate is the annual charge levied on you loan. If you borrowed 100 units of local currency and the interest rate was 10% then you would have to pay 10 units of local currency each year while you owed the 100. The monthly payment amount is the amount you pay back each month to pay back the money you have borrowed. Thus if you borrowed 100 at 10% interest and were to pay this back over a year your month payment amount would be (100+10)/12 = 9.166666666666667 a month for a year.

Can you lose more than you spend in stock purchase if the company fails?

You are in trouble only if you borrowed a large amount of money to buy the stock, then you are obliged to pay it back. If it was all your money, that's all you lose no more.