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IRR stands for internal rate of return and it is calculated based upon a series of cash flows over time. The discount rate that yields an NPV (net present value) of zero is the IRR. IRR is used in capital budgeting and investment analysis to assess the return over time from an investment made.

Net profit percent is an accounting measure that is calculated based upon one year or time period and it typically is net profit divided by sales or revenue. So the short answer is that there is no direct relationship between irr and np percent.

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Q: What is the relationship between irr and net profit percent. is it necessary that irr should always be more than np percent?
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If your item is 50 dollars and the discount is 10 percent, you can divide 50 by 10 which would be five dollars off. It the discount is 20 percent, you can take 5 times 2 which would be 10 dollars off. Always begin by figuring out a 10 percent discount and multiply from there.

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No you cant because ur in a commited relationship and you should keep everything equal or else one of you will always say "why did you do that with out asking me first? Well you were wrong!" So always ask your husband on important things like houses.

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