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Q: When borrowing is less than equity the company is said to be?
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What is an equity release loan?

An equity release loan is a means of borrowing money which will allow a person to release equity that has been storing up in their home, meaning that if a person buys a mortgage and the house earns/becomes worth more than what is said in the mortgage, the loan shall release this amount thus deducting from the mortgage.

What is the difference between a highly geared company and a lowly geared company?

Gearing is a measure of how big a company's borrowings are, relative to its size. There are different methods of calculating gearing but the simplest and most effective is the debt-to-equity ratio. This shows how much the company owes (debt) compared to its size (equity) and is calculated by dividing total borrowings (current and long term) by net assets and is expressed as a percentage. A company with a high percentage is said to be highly geared and has large borrowings (normally from the bank) relative to its size and vice versa for a company with a low percentage.

Why don't financial managers use as little debt as possible to keep the cost of equity down?

The answer to the question depends on the motivations of management. Increasing debt increases risk should the economy weaken and repayment becomes a problem. Managers who are owners often prefer to minimize debt regardless of its cost so as to preserve a margin of safety in case hard times comes. If the manager is not an owner, debt is attractive because it provides leverage. Suppose a company without debt earns $100,000 on equity of $1 million. Its return on equity is 10%. Now suppose the manager could borrow another $1 million. If he paid 5% interest, he would net $50,000 additional earnings. Note that the resulting $150,000 of earnings would be a 15% return on the $1 million of equity. Investors would bid up the price of the stock based on the higher return on equity. The Cost of Debt: when a company borrows funds from a financial institution, the interest amount paid on that debt is called cost of debt. Cost of Equity: When a company raises money from shareholders by issuing more shares to them or shares to new shareholders, then the dividend (interest) paid to them is called cost of equity. The use of debt lowers the cost of capital not the cost of equity. Debt holders are paid back before equity holders, therefore there is a decreased risk for debt. Because of the ability of debt to escape taxation vs equity, cost of debt is lower than cost of equity. With all that said; Debt costs less than equity financing, because it is tax deductable vs dividends, that are not tax deductable. Debt to a bank though is more risky from a company's perspective because of liquidation risk vs stock value risk. Maximizing shareholder value is the goal of a company, but risking losing the company and one's job, to the bank and liquidation vs a decrease in stock value, is usually preferable. But, one of the main reasons that financial managers don't use as little debt as possible is because using it allows companies to do projects that they otherwise might be able to afford.

What are the causes of over capitalization?

A company is said to be overcapitalized, when its total capital (both equity and debt) exceeds the true value of its assets. It is wrong to identify overcapitalization with exess of capital because most of the overcapitalized firms suffer from the problems of liquidity.Causes of overcapitalization:1. Decline in the earnings of the company.2. Fall in dividend rates.3. Market value of company's share falls, and company loses investors confidence.4. Company may collapse at any time because of anemic financial conditions - it will affect its employees, society, consumers and its shareholders.

What is external equity in reference to pay?

When your pay practices are similar to the practices of other organizations competing for the same talent, then your program is said to be competitive or externally equitable.

Related questions

What is an equity release loan?

An equity release loan is a means of borrowing money which will allow a person to release equity that has been storing up in their home, meaning that if a person buys a mortgage and the house earns/becomes worth more than what is said in the mortgage, the loan shall release this amount thus deducting from the mortgage.

On a balance sheet what does members' deficit mean?

On a balance sheet, Members' Deficit indicates that there is a lack of equity for the company's capital investors. Usually this account would be known as members' equity, but because the said equity is negative there exist instead a deficit.

Who said He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing?

Benjamin Franklin is often credited with the saying "He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing," which highlights the potential consequences and challenges of borrowing money.

What would be the based on your company Finance Manager equity finance and Debt finance give reason?

it cant be said in direct form whether finance or equity without knowing the nature of company's business, mkt risk, past holdings, position of competitors, and so many. but even then we can say dat if a company is with good market share and strong and well managed financial condition the company can go for equity in the first instance but debt wil b more beneficial because of lower cost .

What is the difference between a highly geared company and a lowly geared company?

Gearing is a measure of how big a company's borrowings are, relative to its size. There are different methods of calculating gearing but the simplest and most effective is the debt-to-equity ratio. This shows how much the company owes (debt) compared to its size (equity) and is calculated by dividing total borrowings (current and long term) by net assets and is expressed as a percentage. A company with a high percentage is said to be highly geared and has large borrowings (normally from the bank) relative to its size and vice versa for a company with a low percentage.

Is bank statement an asset or owner's equity?

A bank statement is neither an asset or owner's equity account. It is a source document for the determination of the correct cash in bank balance account of an entity, and after the final determination thereof, the cash in bank balance will be an asset account. The bank statement is secured from the bank where the entiity maintains an account and said statement is being reconciled with the book balances of the company for the said final determination of correct cash in bank balance prior to month end, quarterly closing and annual closing of a company.

Why don't financial managers use as little debt as possible to keep the cost of equity down?

The answer to the question depends on the motivations of management. Increasing debt increases risk should the economy weaken and repayment becomes a problem. Managers who are owners often prefer to minimize debt regardless of its cost so as to preserve a margin of safety in case hard times comes. If the manager is not an owner, debt is attractive because it provides leverage. Suppose a company without debt earns $100,000 on equity of $1 million. Its return on equity is 10%. Now suppose the manager could borrow another $1 million. If he paid 5% interest, he would net $50,000 additional earnings. Note that the resulting $150,000 of earnings would be a 15% return on the $1 million of equity. Investors would bid up the price of the stock based on the higher return on equity. The Cost of Debt: when a company borrows funds from a financial institution, the interest amount paid on that debt is called cost of debt. Cost of Equity: When a company raises money from shareholders by issuing more shares to them or shares to new shareholders, then the dividend (interest) paid to them is called cost of equity. The use of debt lowers the cost of capital not the cost of equity. Debt holders are paid back before equity holders, therefore there is a decreased risk for debt. Because of the ability of debt to escape taxation vs equity, cost of debt is lower than cost of equity. With all that said; Debt costs less than equity financing, because it is tax deductable vs dividends, that are not tax deductable. Debt to a bank though is more risky from a company's perspective because of liquidation risk vs stock value risk. Maximizing shareholder value is the goal of a company, but risking losing the company and one's job, to the bank and liquidation vs a decrease in stock value, is usually preferable. But, one of the main reasons that financial managers don't use as little debt as possible is because using it allows companies to do projects that they otherwise might be able to afford.

What is said to be company while what is said to be crowd?

Two is to be company while three is to be crowd :)

What is one disadvantage of equity financing?

It is significant for the individuals who truly need to create genuine gain and large sums really take a look at the connection in my CV as referenced above in light of the fact that it is totally free course...

Where can one find information on home equity in Florida?

Home equity is something a homeowner builds in his house. When a person buy a house, they make payments on said house. Then over time, naturally a property becomes more valuable. So when a house is bought and you live there for 10 years you build equity in the house. To find out about equity in Florida, contact a Real Estate agent.

Who owns the grocery chain Food 4 Less?

The grocery chain Food 4 Less is owned by the parent company, The Kroger Co. It is said to be the countries largest grocery store chain. Customers fill their own bags at this discount supermarket.

Is there anythjing you can do when a company install a brand new air condition less than a year old now the coil is bad and the man said its the worst he ever seen also I had to pay him ahead?

It should be under warranty and call BBB and report this company.