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Q: Which topology used in core banking solution?
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How do core banking solutions work?

A core banking solution is a combination of one or more services that are focused on meeting the current (and future) needs of an individual or company. For example, the most basic "core banking solution" used with individuals combines the following elements: * Checking Account * Savings Account * Debit/ATM Card linked to the Checking Account The most basic "core banking solution" used with business combines the following elements: * Corporate Checking Account * Corporate Savings Account * Corporate Debit/ATM Card linked to the Checking Account * Corporate Credit Card(s)

What is core banking used for?

Core banking is used as an application to support their operations, and that is when they get the name "CORE" from. The word "CORE" stands for "centralized online real-time environment," that the banks have access to applications from their central databases.

Cables used in a star topology?

A star topology is a method of connecting several computers to one another in a network. The cables used in a star topology are twisted pair cables or coaxial cables. Coaxial cables would be the cheapest solution.

What is the topology used in peer-to-peer network?

Any topology can be used for a peer-to-peer network. The easiest is probably a star topology but it doesn't have to be.

What typeof topology is used in DSL modems?

Star Topology.

Which topology is the most commonly used server network topology?

The most common LAN topology is that of a "star." In a star topology, each computer, or "node", is connected to a central hub. This is more reliable than a more classical "ring" topology, because a node failing will not bring down the entire network. A bus topology is arguably more reliable, but has poorer performance.

What wan topology should be used for maximum reliability?

Star Topology

What topology is created when more than one topology is used to build a network?

hybrid topology

Bus topology mesh topology star topology is commonly used?

Well, yes. Please correct your question, thanks!

Which topology is the most commonly used clientserver network topology today?


Which topology should be used tere for networking in school lab?

Bus topology