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According to R. Aidan Martin (here:- "...the smallest known extant shark species appears to be Etmopterus perryi, males of which mature at 16 to 17.5 cm TL* and gravid females have been found at 19 to 20 cm TL (Springer & Burgess 1985). One 19-cm TL specimen of E. perryi was found to contain three 6-cm embryos, each bearing external gill filaments. In comparison, the smallest mature male E. hillianus examined by Schofield & Burgess (1997) was 20 cm TL. Until the discovery of E. perryi, the smallest living shark was widely considered to be Squaliolus laticaudus, males of which mature at about 15 cm TL and females at about 17 to 20 cm TL (Compagno 1984). This and other tiny squaloids are closely rivaled by the carcharhinoid Eridacnis radcliffei, males of which mature by 18 to 19 cm TL, females possibly mature at 15 to 16 cm TL. Etmopterus perryi has the common name Dwarf Lanternfish.

Etmopterus hillianus has the common name Carribean Lanternfish.

Squaliolus laticaudus has the common name Spined Pigmy Shark.

Eridacnis radcliffei has the common name Pygmy Ribbontail Catshark. * I assume 'TL' indicates the total length but cannot confirm this.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

The smallest shark in the world would be the dwarf lantern shark measuring at about 8 inches

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βˆ™ 15y ago

it is the wobbegong shark it is three foot ten or smaller.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the smallest shark iis roughly about 10cm long.

Actually it`s about 8 in. long. The dwarf lantern shark.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The lantern and the pigmy shark is the smallest shark speacies

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Easy Latern Shark

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The dog shark is he smallest sharks.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

dwarf lantern shark

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