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It costs the shopkeeper $x to buy 20 mangoes

They sell 18 mangoes for $x.

The unit cost of a mangoe to buy was $x/20

The unit cost to buy the 18 mangoes is therefore 18 x $x/20 or $18x/20. this can be reduced to $9x/10

The shopkeeper sold the 18 mangoes for $x.

The gross profit made is $x - $9x/10 = $x/10, this is 1/9 of the cost price.

So the selling price is 10/9 of the cost price. the profit is 1/9 or as a percentage 11.11%

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Q: A shopkeeper sells 18 mangoes for the purchase price of 20 mangoes. The percent profit made by the shopkeeper is. How do you got 11.11 percent in percent profit?
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