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Q: At the farmer's market Scott bought 1.83 pounds of broccoli 0.82 pounds of carrots and 1.22 pounds of onions Estimate the total weight of his purchases?
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Related questions

How many carrots in a 6mm diamond?

There are no carrots in any diamond. You can find carrots at your local farmers market.

How much do diamond carrots cost?

You can go to a farmers market and price carrots.

Did medieval farmers hunt for food?

they hunted corn and carrots

How do farmers grow carrots and get them to the market?

Farmers grow carrots by planting seeds in well-prepared soil, ensuring they have adequate water and sunlight. Once the carrots are ready for harvest, they are typically cleaned, sorted, and packaged for transport to markets. Carrots can be sold directly to local markets, grocery stores, or through distributors.

What did Ancient Greek farmers do for entertainment?

They normally Dance and throw carrots at trees.

Does the UK grow broccoli?

Yes, the UK does grow broccoli. Broccoli is a popular vegetable that is grown in the UK and is typically in season from June to November. Large commercial producers as well as smaller local farmers cultivate broccoli in various parts of the country.

Where can you find purple carrots?

Purple carrots can typically be found at specialty grocery stores, farmers markets, or through local organic farms. They are not as common as orange carrots, so you may need to check multiple sources to find them.

What do Poland's farmers grow more of?

Potatoes and rye are what farmers grow in Poland more than any other European country,

What vegetable does George Bush hate?

George HW Bush (the father) disliked broccoli. He once said, "I do not like broccoli and I haven’t liked it since I was a little kid"This quote caused a bit of a scandal in Washington, with broccoli farmers descending on the capital with truckloads of the stuff in protest.

How do you test for a carrot in diamond at home?

You purchase carrots at the local farmers market. There are no carrots in diamonds. Gem-quality diamonds, however are weighed in carats: your local jeweler can weigh your diamond and give you its weight in carats.

Who purchases chocolate from the farmers?

Usually larger refining or procseeing companies will purchase, or it will go directly to plants for production into foods and drinks.

What is the difference between baby carrots and regular carrots?

There are two kinds of baby carrots. The first are actual baby carrots. The second are the little whittled carrots we buy at the store. Baby carrots are the irregular shaped mature carrots that the markets wont buy. Because most of us have been conditioned that all carrots must look exactly alike the majority of carrots going to market were rejected and as a result went to waste and cost the farmers a lot of money. So one day Mike Yurosek from California got the idea to take the rejected carrots and bought some old machinery and used it to cut uniform sized carrots. These carrots are then washed in a water-and-chlorine bath. The government says this part is safe, but I'll stick to the cheaper full sized carrots.