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Jellyfish can vary greatly in size and length. Some jellyfish are hardly millimetres across, but the longest one, the Arctic lion's mane jellyfish, has tentacles that can grow up to 100 feet in length.

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17y ago
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13y ago

well, if you need to know go to Google or bing bcuz there are alot of different types but the length of box jellyfish are about 10 ft and the weight is about 2 kg

Thanks for letting me share.....


~A.K.A. Snickers~

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9y ago

The smallest jellyfish are the peculiar creeping jellyfish in the genera Staurocladia and Eleutheria, which have bell disks from 0.5 mm to a few mm diameter.

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15y ago

Their Tantecles can be up to 40Ft long

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13y ago

how long do the jellyfish live usually

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How long do jellyfish eat?

It takes about an hour for a jellyfish to digest a "meal".

Can Jellyfish sting while on the beach?

Yes it can, as long as it is alive.

Can a great white kill a jellyfish?

A large box jellyfish or a man of war jellyfish could if it had very long tentacles.

How long can a regular jellyfish be?

150 yards long.

How long are jellyfish cared for?

The correct term is how long do jellyfish live? The answer is one year or less,But unless it one of those big jellyfish they can live up to 5-10 years.

Can a jellyfish kill a great white shark?

A large box jellyfish or a man of war jellyfish could if it had very long tentacles.

Jellyfish a mammal?

No. Not by a long shot!

What are facts about jellyfish tentacles?

Jellyfish tentacles can over 100 feet long and have stinging cells.

How long can a jellyfish be on land?

definitly not because it is a "water creature"

How long are jellyfish?

they are about as long as two in a half school buses.

How long do jellyfish stay as a budding polyp?

as long as they want

What is the lengh of a jellyfish?

There is no one length to a jellyfish! But there is quite a range. I was on a junk (motor boat) the other day and I came across three jellyfish; One about 30cm long, one about 15cm long and one about 7cm long. The biggest jellyfish is bigger that the average man and the smallest is about the size of your pinkies finger nail!