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If your tank is a 10 gallon (filled to the brim) tank, it will only have about 8 gallons of water in it under normal conditions. The maximum amount of Corydoras you should allow is 4 because the rule is 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. (Corys grow to about 2 inches plus). You will also need a 24/7 running filter and the tank will also need to have at least 50% of its water replaced every week.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

1, and not for long. They get big fast, at least 18 inches, 2-3 feet more common.

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Q: How many Cory catfish can fit in a 4 gallon tank?
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What size fish tank would a Cory catfish need?

Technically, a 2 gallon tank for one Cory cat, 4 gallon tank for two Cory cats, and so on. The rule is one gallon per one inch of fish and Cory cats can grow to two inches, although the bigger tank the better. I would DEFINITELY not recommend a 2 gallon tank with one Cory cat. They like to be in groups and will be happier and healthier.

Why is my Cory catfish swimming up and down my fish tank?

As long as the tank water is clean, and the fish are being fed properly, the catfish may just be entertaining itself by swimming that way.

How many inches is a green Cory catfish?

A extra large Green Cory Catfish can be as big as 1 to 1.5 inches from tip of mouth to tip of the tail fin. They are non-egressive and their mouths are small so unless you are keeping them in a tank you are raising fry, then all should be ok.

What catfish are best in a 20 gallon tank?

I would recommend any of the Corydoras sp. for a small tank.

Is this a good community tank 3 female betta's 6 neon teta's and a otocinclus catfish for a 10 gallon tank?

The fish are not bad together. But way to many fish for a ten gallon tank. You put one fish for every gallon. They will probly do fine but you will have to clean more.

Can a catfish live in a 5 gallon tank without a pump?

No, a catfish cannot survive in a 5-gallon tank without a pump. Catfish require a well-oxygenated environment, which a pump provides by circulating water and promoting gas exchange. Without a pump, the water quality will quickly degrade, leading to poor living conditions for the catfish.

what is the best fish to have with coreys?

Cory Catfish tank mates include most community tank fish as long as they are non-aggressive and friendly in nature. Otocinclus Catfish, Tetras, Swordtails and of course other Corys can be a good fit.

Can 2 pictus catfish live in a five gallons tank?

Can you have three pictus catfish in a five gallon fish tank

Can an albino Cory and a male guppy be in a 2 gallon tank together?

Yes. Both are peaceful fish.

Would a channel catfish live in a 50 gallon fish tank?

Yes it would. Generally any fish will live in tank so long as the environment is correct for that species. Catfish are pretty tough and should be OK.

What can you put in my 55 gallon tank that would coexist with guppies mollies platys dwarf gouramis?

Bristlenose catfish

Is this tank lineup okay in a 32 gallon fish tank 2 angelfish 11 silvertip tetras 1 yoyo loach 3 julii Cory catfish 1 Chinese algae eater and 2 neon blue dwarf gouramis Add shrimp or frog crab?

For the 32 gallon fish tank, a general rule of thumb is one fish per gallon. The size of your fish makes a big difference to. The bigger the fish the more room its going to need. Your tank sounds a little crowded. I hope that helped you out.