This is one question that is impossible to answer because of many reasons such as:
As such, depending on your location and, as mentioned before, how many cuts of alfalfa are taken off if the cow is being fed and not grazed, acreage can range from 2 acres to 20 acres. If grazed, it would be significantly more than that.
384 alfalfa, 512 wheat
Tractors are used on farms to plant and harvest crops. Wisconsin has many dairy farms that need alfalfa to feed the cattle. There are also tractor races and tractor pulls at county and the state fair.
Well assuming you feed each horse ten pounds just one time you could feed 2,000 horses. 1 Acre of Alfalfa can produce 20,000 pounds of hay.
One acre of land can feed one person for a year. That acre of land can be reused to feed a person for the subsequent year.
Smaller dairy cows (Jersey, for instance) are around 1000 lbs. Larger dairy cows (Holstein, Brown Swiss) often weigh up to 1400 lbs, some to 1600 lbs.
That depends on the type of cow. A dairy cow is able to feed four at one time, whereas a beef cow will be only able to feed one calf at a time--two if she's a really good producer or has a significant amount of dairy influence in her.
Alfalfa is a perennial and can last many years if you take care of it.
There are a lot of variables to consider here. Location, climate, vegetation, soil type/quality, forage biomass, and forage quality, whether you are using the land for grazing only or for hay and grazing that means raising your cattle for 365 days a year on only 25 acres are important factors that will determine how many cows you can feed on 25 acres. Some areas, like in the Southwest of the USA, you may be lucky to be able to feed 2 to 3 cows on 25 acres. Further north, like in the Northeast, you may be able to feed 15 to 25 cows on 25 acres. However, as mentioned above, this depends on whether you're just using these acres for grazing only, or if you are keeping your animals all year round and need it for hay production as well if you do not wish to buy hay.
.97 acres.
farms can range greatly in size, depending on farm type or location. in the western region farms consist of thousands of acres, mostly crops. Although, there are many ranches out west that cover tens of thousands of acres all the way down to a hundred (the largest ranch in the west and US, i believe, is around 76,000 acres). there are also many grape orchards in the west. the same goes for the central region of the US. although different crops providing different yields are grown. again many farms in this region consist of thousands of acres all the way down to forty or fifty. the southeast region consists of citrus crops and many cattle ranches/feedlots. citrus orchards again can range from thousands of acres of corporatley operated, individually owned lots and individually owned and operated lots. farms are smaller here than other places. the northeast consists largely of dairy farms, berry farms and fish farms. I am a dairy farmer and ill tell you this, we are smaller than crop farmers but more employees are required since the amount of work is greater per acre/animal in the dairy industry compared to ranching, feedlots and crop farms. Our farm, including rented land, consists of about 1400 acres and we are one of the largest in the area. dairy farms arent measured by acres, but by the number of head on the farm. some farms consist of 14 cows (extremely small) and the largest dairy has about 40,000 cows. however, most dairy farms will have from 200 to 400 cows. Farms over 400 head are usually forced to bring feed in from far away places in other parts of the state and even other states since the amount of land owned cannot produce enough feed for the animals. (These locations are not specified only to an area, crop farms are all over throughout the country along with dairy farms) Hobby farms dot the country and usually arent made up of more than 40 acres. hobby farms are named "hobby" farms for obvious reasons. the operators usually have many different species of animals rather than just one that will make a profit. They usually do not make profits large enough to break even.
Exactly 0.459 acres.