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Q: How many hamsters does it take to get to the moon?
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How many hamsters standing shoulder on shoulder does it take to reach the moon?

but if its baby hamsters your dealing with it would take 78,012,021,514,44584 no lie if you add the manquitity of 2,282,764,988==

How many hamsters standing on each others shoulders does it take to get to the moon?

2453924654641 AND A HALF

Who will take baby hamsters?

Pet stores and friends could take baby hamsters.

How many days the moon take to change his shape?

moon take 14 days to change new moon to full moon

How many ostriches does it take to change a light bulb?

48 plus a few hamsters

How are hamsters easy to take of?

# # # # #

How many types of hamsters exists?

Syrian Hamsters - Winter White Hamsters - Chinese Hamsters - Campbells Dwarf Hamsters - Roborovski Hamsters So, 5.

Why don't you have any info on hamsters?

Hamsters have many breeds. There is now info on hamsters.

How many days does it take for a new moon to get to a new moon?

30 days

How many days does it take to fly in a spaceship to the moon?

i dont care about the moon

How many days does it take the moon to become a full moon?

4 days

How many days does it take to born baby hamsters?

16 days . but it can last up to 20 days