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Q: If 16 pieces of candy equals one and one-eighth how much candy was there in the beginning?
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How many more pieces of candy does Ms Santolalla have if she has 4 bags with 10 pieces in each and Ms Blear has 5 bags with 7 pieces in each?

Ms. Santolalla has more candy. This is because 4x10 is 40 pieces of candy and 5x7 is 35 pieces of candy. Ms. Santolalla has 5 more pieces of candy.

If I have 10 pieces of candy and give each of my five friend some candy how many pieces candy do they get?


How do you spell rices pieces candy?

The correct spelling for the candy would be Reese's Pieces.

Should you use is or are with the sentence How many pieces of candy are in a jar or is in a jar?

Pieces of candy is plural; how many pieces are in a jar.

If you have 48 pieces of strawberry candy and 32 pieces of lemon candy how many bags of candy will you have if you have the same amount of each candy in each bag?

One bag

If you take 2 pieces of candy from 3 pieces of candy What do you have?

Two, since you are the one that took them ;D

How many candy can you eat?

I can eat 20 pieces of candy!

If you have 200 pieces of candy and twenty-four kids in your class how may pieces of candy would you need to bring to give everyone an equal amount of candy?

Any multiple of 24 up to 192 (which is 8 pieces of candy per child).

What is a name of a candy beginning with the letter I?

Ice Candy

Tejas Wali and Niamh share 100 pieces of candy in the ratio 5 9 11. Find how many pieces of candy Wali receives.?

Wali receives 4 times 9 = 36 pieces of candy

What type of candy has chocolate and candy in it?

if you call a peppermint a candy then a type of candy has chocolate and candy in it is those chocolates with the peppermint pieces in it.

Christina has 96 pieces of candy she wants to share with 3 of her friends How many pieces of candy will they each receive?

24 each