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the infusion of how much water would kill a person

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Q: The infusion of how much water into a human's blood system would kill a person?
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What is a blood infusion?

Blood infusion is a misused term for blood transfusion. This is where a person receives blood through an IV.

IS airlock in blood infusion dangerous?

The airlock in blood infusion mast be high-volume to be dangerous for life. A small air vial will be dissolved in blood.

Is there any MN blood group in humans?

No, there is currently no recognized MN blood group system in humans. The ABO and Rh blood group systems are the most clinically significant blood group systems in humans.

1What is likely to happen if a patient is given mismatched blood?

This person will not survive. They will have antibodies for the mismatched blood that was introduced to their system, the blood will coagulate (thicken) and they'll die.

Difference between infusion and transfusion?

Infusion involves gradual administration of fluids or medications into the bloodstream, typically through a vein. Transfusion is the process of transferring blood or blood products from one person (donor) to another (recipient) to replace blood loss or treat certain medical conditions. Infusion is more broad and can include various fluids and medications, while transfusion specifically refers to blood product administration.

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What is the difference between a blood transfusion and dialysis

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Is blood heart infusion agar a defined or a complex medium?

Blood heart infusion agar is a complex medium because it contains a combination of components, such as nutrients from blood, heart infusion, and agar, whose exact composition may vary.

What four human groups are controlled by three alleles instead of two?

A-B-O blood group system in humans is controlled by three alleles (A, B, and O). This system determines a person's blood type based on the presence or absence of specific antigens on red blood cells.

What is so special about the circulatory system?

The circulatory system is important to humans because the main components are the heart, the blood, and blood vessels.

What kind of circulatory system do humans have?

Humans have a closed circulatory system, meaning that blood is confined to vessels as it circulates through the body. This system includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients to cells and removes waste products.

What is the difference between a crayfish circulatory system and a humans circulatory system?

Crayfish have an open circulatory system where blood flows freely in the body cavity, known as hemolymph, while humans have a closed circulatory system where blood is contained within vessels. Crayfish do not have a dedicated heart like humans, instead they have a dorsal heart and accessory hearts along the blood vessels. Humans have a centralized heart that pumps blood throughout the body via arteries, veins, and capillaries.