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Full sun and loose composty soil.

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Q: What are the light requirements for a potato?
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What would happen with a potato darkness and light?

The darkness potato would fight with the light potato to the death and just before the darkness potato dies it would reveal that it was the light potato's father and then jump to its death. The light potato would also kiss its sister and be the disciple of the short green potato and be good friends with handsome potato and hairy potato. They all save the potato galaxy together.

How can a tomato light a light bulb?

i think you mean potato... You can from a potato or super tomato

What do you need for a potato light bulb?

you cant make a potato light up can make a light bulb light up with potato power.all you need is wire electric tape two potato's or lemons set it up and your good =)

Does potato skin reflect light?

Yes, the skin of a potato does reflect light. The skin of a potato contains a waxy cuticle that helps protect the potato from water loss and pathogens. This cuticle also reflects light, giving the potato its characteristic shine.

What are requirements for designation as a smartphone?

A gud potato and some fruit and veg ;)

How does a potato lamp work?

The potato lamp works because the acid in the potato lights up the light bulb.

Can different wires affect the brightness of a potato powered light bulb?

yes it can be powered by a potato:)

How many potatoes does it take to change a light bulb?

You wouldn't use a potato to screw in a light bulb... if the glass in the light bulb breaks as you're removing it, you can use a potato to take the light bulb out.

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What inside the potato that powers the light bulb?

The acid and salt (which is in the juice of a potato) chemical energy that turns intoelectricity.

Does a red potato or a white potato light an LED light bulb?

idk ive been up all stinkin night and can not get it to work???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the independent variable in this experiment how will light affect the sprouting of eyes on a potato?

The independent variable: Soil The dependant variable: Potato