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a crustacean

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Q: What is a radial symmetry and a water vascular system organism called?
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What is the type of symmetry in starfish called?

radial symmetry

What is the same about all echinoderms?

They belong to the phylum: Marine animals. Have radial symmetry, a mesodermal skeleton and they all have a water vascular system called: ambulacral.

What kind of symmetry does a jellyfish have?

Jellyfish have radial symmetry.Jellyfish are a part of a group called Cnidarians and the have Radial Symmetry.radial symmatry. . . Means all planes about longitudinal axis wil give you two equal halves. .

Is a jellyfish symmetry radial or bilaterial?

Brain corals are hemispherical or spherical in shape resembling a brain. They must me radially symmetrical organism.

What is a animal with radical symmetry?

Radial symmetry? If you mean radial symmetry, then any organism that can be divided equally in infinate ways such as: sea anemones, jellyfish, starfish, and sand dollars.

What are the type of symetry in phylum?

Symmetry in animals of the phylum is typically categorized as radial or bilateral. Radial symmetry is when an organism can be divided into equal halves in multiple planes around a central axis, like a sea anemone. Bilateral symmetry is when an organism can be divided into two equal halves along just one plane, like a human.

Do beavers have bilateral symmetry or radial symmetry?

bilateral symmetry

Does a sea cucumber have radial symmetry?

radial symmetry

Does a jellyfish have bilateral symmetry radial symmetry or asymmetrical symmetry?

Jelly fish are radial symmetrical

What symmetry does hydra have?

Hydra are symmetrical radially from the top

What do Radial and Bilateral have in common?

Both terms refer to symmetry in biology. Radial symmetry is when an organism can be divided into equal halves in multiple directions around a central point, while bilateral symmetry is when an organism can be divided into two equal halves along one plane. Both forms of symmetry are characteristics found in various organisms.

Are horses bilateral or radial symmetry?

horses are radial symmetry