Oh, dude, you're really asking the important questions here. So, like, a cubic yard of potatoes weighs around 1,400 to 2,000 pounds, depending on the type of potatoes and how tightly packed they are. But hey, who's counting, right? Just grab a yardstick and start measuring those spuds!
One list of the weights of commodities and agricultural products gives the weight of a cubic foot of spuds at 43 pounds. At that rate (because there are 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard), there are 1161 pounds of potatoes in a cubic yard of the product. Call it a bit over half a ton (US), and you're good to go. The sizes and shapes of the potatoes will vary, and this can (will) affect the overall weight of that cubic yard of them. This is a problem in packing, where variability in size and shape can (and does) occur. One way to see it is this way. Take a cubic foot of river rocks about the size of Golf balls. Take those same rocks and crush them to sand, and they'll take up less space (less volume). It's the exact same material, and the exact same amount of material, but in a more finely divided (and therefore more closely packed) form.
The Russets I buy are about 2" diameter and 4" long, and they weigh about 12 ounces - about 265 calories before I add butter. When you bake a potato, water is steamed off, but that doesn't change the calorie count or the nutrition. Mama always baked potatoes at 375 for an hour or 450 for 45 minutes, depending on whatever else was in the oven, but I bake them at 450 for 60 to 90 minutes. The longer you bake them, the crustier they get, and I like crusty baked potatoes.
1 cubic yard of what?
What is the weight of one cubic yard of cement? If you are asking the weight of 1 cubic yard of CONCRETE it is approximately 2 tons or 4000 pounds per cubic yard when wet.
1 cubic yard of ice has a weight of 49421 pound-force.
The weight of 1 cubic yard of sand can vary depending on the type and moisture content of the sand. On average, dry sand weighs about 2,700 pounds per cubic yard.
The weight of a cubic foot of potatoes can vary depending on the type of potatoes and their moisture content. On average, a cubic foot of potatoes can weigh between 50-60 pounds.
The weight of a cubic yard of trash will depend on what the trash is composed of. For example, a cubic yard of paper weighs about 568 pounds, while a cubic yard of aluminum cans weighs about 63 pounds.
The weight per cubic yard for gypsum is approximately 2,300 to 3,000 pounds.
The weight of 1 cubic yard of CR6 (crusher run) can vary depending on its composition, moisture content, and compaction. On average, CR6 weighs approximately 2,700-3,000 pounds per cubic yard.
The weight of one cubic yard of general trash can vary depending on the density and composition of the trash. On average, it can weigh between 800 to 2,000 pounds.
The weight of 1 cubic yard can vary depending on the material. For example, a cubic yard of topsoil can weigh around 2,000 pounds, while a cubic yard of concrete can weigh around 4,000 pounds. It's important to specify the material when determining the weight of 1 cubic yard.
The answer cannot be known without knowing the substance you are talking about. Kilograms is weight, and cubic yards is volume. A cubic yard of gold is going to weigh more kilograms than a cubic yard of hay.
1000 pounds