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stem-and-leaf plot

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Q: What type of graph is best suited for displaying the range and frequency distribution of the number of apples sold at a produce stand while still showing the number of apples bought by individual cust?
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Distribution under socialism is primarily determined by?

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How does fusion frequency relate to tetanus?

Fusion frequency refers to the rate at which individual twitches can merge to produce a sustained contraction. In tetanus, muscle fibers are stimulated rapidly and continuously, leading to a sustained contraction without relaxation. The fusion frequency in tetanus can help determine the maximum force a muscle can produce.

When waves interfere do their frequencies get summed so that they produce a waveform with a comparatively higher frequency?

No, in simple interference the frequency is constant.It would take something nonlinear in the system to produce changes in frequency.

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One social behavior that can produce an even distribution is the human need to find someone that there in common with

The pitch you hear is related to the of a sound wave?

The pitch of a sound wave is directly related to its frequency. Higher frequency waves produce higher pitch sounds, while lower frequency waves produce lower pitch sounds. Pitch is essentially how high or low we perceive a sound to be.

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The of vibration of a wave is defined as that which has the lowest frequency?

The fundamental frequency of a wave is the lowest frequency at which it can vibrate. This frequency corresponds to the first harmonic or the wave's base frequency. It is the most stable and strongest frequency that the wave can produce.

What is pitch determined by of vibrating objects?

Pitch of vibrating objects is determined by the frequency of their vibrations. Objects that vibrate at a higher frequency produce higher pitch sounds, while objects that vibrate at a lower frequency produce lower pitch sounds.

Which animal can produce the highest frequency sound?

Blue whale.

A dog whistle has a frequency of 25000 Hz which other animals can produce this frequency?

its mostly mammals such as dogs cats rats

What is Cauchy?

Cauchy distribution is the distribution of a random variable along a specific function. In AI, this distribution is used to generate adaptive models which produce fast learning across dimensions.

What is cauchy training?

Cauchy distribution is the distribution of a random variable along a specific function. In AI, this distribution is used to generate adaptive models which produce fast learning across dimensions.