yes you can either get one from the guy in goldenrod city or win one on the voltorb flip game in celadon
hope that answers ur question
In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, an Eevee cannot evolve into a Glaceon. You can trade with other trainers from Diamond, Pearl and Platinum to get one.
Get an egg from someone in one of the cities
I know that u can one from Bebe in Hearthome when Dawn tells u to visit her!
In each game version, you can obtain only one master ball. So if you want more than one, you can consider trading or transferring a Pokemon holding a master ball from a different version.
No, you would have to transfer an Evee from one of your other games I.E. Heartgold soulsilver etc.
You can't get a wild Eevee. You can, however, receive one from Bill.
You can't catch an evee in heart gold, but you get one from bill in Joto at goldenrod city just Southwest of the gaming Cornner.
You can't capture one, but if you visit Bill in Goldenrod City, he will give you one for free
Defeat the Pokemon league and go to bills house. make one space in your party and he will give you Eevee
In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, an Eevee cannot evolve into a Glaceon. You can trade with other trainers from Diamond, Pearl and Platinum to get one.
you find evee in goldenrod city from all of the houses till you find the one with a little girl walking arond,a woman sitting across from a man he will give you evee.this will not work if you have not met bill already.
actually you can to do so get the evee that's in the game evolve it to jolteon or flareon or vaporeon then put it in the four island day care with a ditto then hatch the egg you get and its evee.
You must breed evee or an evolution of it at the breeding place on four island.
If you have an evee evolve it to either flareon or vaporeon or jolteon or espeon or umbreon or leafeon or glacieon. Either way when its evolved put it in the daycare with a ditto then wait awhile and you when you come back you can receive an egg and when it hatches it evee.
yes you can but u need to get it from the lottery corner 1st prize