* Frankenstein * War of the Worlds * The Time Machine * 1000 leagues Under the Sea
* Stranger in a Strange land * 2001 a Space Odyssey * The Gods Themselves * Fahrenheit 451 * The Illustrated Man * The Left Hand of Darkness * The Word for World is Forest * ClockWork Orange * Minority Report *
Harry Potter - J.K Rowling
Twilight - Stephanie Meyer
Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis
Warriors - Erin Hunter
Alex Rider - Anthony Horowitz
And so, so many more...
The Goose Bumps books are more horror than science fiction. The series has sold over 32 million books.
The parents of Muhammed Zafar Iqbal are named Faizur Rahman and Ayesha. Iqbal is famous for his science fiction stories and children's books.
84 x 3/4 = 63 x 2/3 = 42 63 fiction books 42 science fiction books ------------------------------------------------------------ hey.. i have a better answer.. the guy on top? ignore it.. :) so its 8973298742974742897487923743 times 3922648736487326287462874638743 which equals 287319273873294766872364872363826471649137092849732498749 8973897482647823648264 slimy books and 238791379187974927942649264 salty books and 9273897463272648726487246824632 aliens ! ~kutekat215 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Florida is home to many famous authors. Some of those authors include Piers Anthony who writes Science Fiction Books, and romance author Heather Graham.
David Weber is famous for writing various science fiction and fantasy books. He wrote the series of Honor Harrington, Dahak, War God, Safehold, agmonst other novels.
"The Invisible Man" by H.G. Wells is a science fiction novel.
Science Fiction, Fiction.
Gary Blackwood writes children's fiction, historical fiction and science fiction.Some of his most famous books are:The Shakespeare StealerShakespeare's ScribeShakespeare's Spy
The Goose Bumps books are more horror than science fiction. The series has sold over 32 million books.
Ray Bradbury wrote science fiction books.
Fictional books in the Science Fiction genre.
Some science fiction books are Dune by Frank Herbert, Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress, 2001 by Arthur C. Clarke, the Robot books by Isaac Asimov, and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
Its not real, It is science fiction or science fantasy. Too many people believe its real.
Harry Potter is not exactly science fiction; it is fantasy.Harry Potter is not exactly science fiction; it is fantasy.Harry Potter is not exactly science fiction; it is fantasy.Harry Potter is not exactly science fiction; it is fantasy.
Science fiction, particularly the Robot Novels, which gave us the Laws of Robotics. And it's Isaac.
Science Fiction/Fantasy