Kelsey Smith-Briggs was born on December 28, 2002.
Betty Wright was born on December 21, 1953
Rajinikanth was born on December 12, 1949.
Robert Urich died on April 16, 2002 at the age of 55.
Roone Arledge was born on July 8, 1931 and died on December 5, 2002. Roone Arledge would have been 71 years old at the time of death or 84 years old today.
That depends entirely... on when you were born !***********************************2099 − 2014 = 85 years.Therefore: as I am currently 68, I would be 153 years old in May of 2099!
You would be eight years old, and you would turn nine in December
If you were born in 1983, you will be 50 in the year 2033- by 2099 you would be 116, but very few people live to be that age.
Just subtract the years.
If they were born between January 1, 2002 and today's month and day in 2002 they would be 8 years old, but if they were born between today's month and day in 2002 and December 31, 2002 they would be 7 years old.
A child born in 2099 will turn 5 years old on his birthday in 3004.
Until your birthday in 2099, you will be 98. On and after your birthday, you will be 99.
No, she was born on Dec. 13th, 1989.
she was born in 45 AD and died in 2099 AD
Momoka Ishii was born on December 19, 2002.