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You could say that, but there weren't as much records about his family.

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Q: Was Archimedes an only child
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Was Archimedes rich or poor?

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What is the full name of scientist Archimedes?

He has no first name for some reason. He is only known as Archimedes or otherwise Archimedes of Syracuse!He has no first name for some reason. He is only known as Archimedes or otherwise Archimedes of Syracuse!

Is Archimedes Archimedes' real name?

He is only known as Archimedes of Syracuse ( now Sicily).

What preschool did Archimedes go to?

Archimedes didn't go to preschool. There was no education system. If you were rich you could pay a tutor to educate your child.

What happened to Archimedes when he was a child?

go to school like a normal kid

Who invented Archimedes' screw?

Archimedes invented Archimedes' screw.

Did Archimedes learn the same things at school like were doing today?

yes archimedes did learn the same things as us he was a ordinarily child so was everyone back in the day even i was and im 94 now

Archimedes did not what?

One of the things that Archimedes did not do is that Archimedes did not write Elements of Geometry.

Was Archimedes know for the Nobel Prize or something named after him?

Archimedes didnt get Nobel prize. Some of his discoveries / inventions are: Archimedes principle, Archimedes screw, claw of Archimedes.

What was Archimedes origin?

What is Archimedes origin?

What year was Archimedes Principal discovered?

There is nothing really stating the exact year in which Archimedes Principal was discovered. They only state that he lived between 287 BC to 212 BC.

Is Aristotle more famous then Archimedes?
