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Q: What did Friedrich Wohler discovered?
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Who is friedrich wohler?

Friedrich Wohler was a German educator and chemist, he was the first scientist that performed the synthesis of urea, besides of working in the isolation of several chemical elements. He is remembered as one of the pioneers of organic chemistry.

How did friedrich wohler discover beryllium?

He reacted Potassium and Beryllium Chloride to isolate Beryllium.

How did Fredrich Wohler discover beryllium?

Fredrich Wohler did not discover beryllium, but rather the element beryllium was discovered by French chemist Louis-Nicholas Vauquelin in 1798. Wohler is best known for his synthesis of urea from ammonium cyanate in 1828.

Who did made the first organic compound in 1828?

Friedrich Wöhler is credited with synthesizing the first organic compound in 1828 when he produced urea from ammonium cyanate. This experiment challenged the idea of vitalism, which suggested that organic compounds could only be produced by living organisms.

Is Friedrich Wohler the father of organic chemistry?

Friedrich Wohler is often referred to as the "father of organic chemistry" because of his synthesis of urea from ammonium cyanate in 1828. This experiment dispelled the theory of vitalism and helped establish the foundation of organic chemistry as a separate scientific discipline.

Who is the discovered d n a?

Friedrich Miescher is the man who discovered DNA.

Who discovered rubella and when?

Friedrich Hoffman in 1740.

Who discoveres beryllium?

Louis-Nicholas Vauquelin discovered in 1798 beryllium in emeralds; in 1828 Fiedrich Wohler and Antoine Bussy isolated the pure element.

What did Friedrich Miescher do to the fight against infection?

Friedrich Miescher discovered/identified nucleic acid.

When was Kevin Wohler born?

Kevin Wohler was born on October 13, 1967, in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

When was entamoeba histolytica discovered?

Entamoeba histolytica was discovered in 1875 by the Russian scientist Friedrich Lösch.