Sarah Hyland's birth name is Hyland, Sarah Jane.
Sarah Hyland was born on November 24, 1990.
Sarah Hyland was born in NY and then moved to LA. in 2012 she is still living in LA
Pantech LaZer
Yea. Shes dating Matt Prokop.
Sarah Hyland's birth name is Hyland, Sarah Jane.
Sarah Hyland is 5'2" or 157cm
Sarah Hyland's birthday is November 24, 1990.
Sarah Hyland was born on November 24, 1990.
Sarah Hyland was born on November 24, 1990.
Sarah Hyland goes by SJ, Kitty, and Raindrop.
There is no public information available that confirms whether or not Sarah Hyland smokes.
No, Sarah Hyland has no kids but is dating boyfriend matt prockop.
Sarah hyland is 21 years old and she Is 5"2 and very thin she has to be about 105 lbs.
Sarah Hyland was born in NY and then moved to LA. in 2012 she is still living in LA
She has a heart shaped face. I Have the same! :)
Sarah Hyland :)