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Q: What is Monique colemen real number?
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In the movie his G.F (Girl friend) is Taylor McKessie which is Monique Colemen in real life

Is Zac Efron dating Monique colemen?

no he is not cause he in luv with vanessa and he having baby with her

Does Zack efron and Monique colemen get along with each other?

Yes, they do. However, they're not really close.

Who is the oldest high school musical member?

Monique Colemen[Taylor Meckenzie].She is 26 years old

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Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Monique Colemen, Corbin Blue,

What is Monique Coleman's full name?

Adrienne Monique ColemanThat is her real name, Monique Adrienne Coleman.

High school musical characters what is taylors Real Name?

Taylor McKessie was played by actress Monique Coleman.

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In shake it up, raquel and in real life, zendaya Coleman

What is Coleman's full name?

Adrienne Monique ColemanThat is her real name, Monique Adrienne Coleman.

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What is talyors real name from high schoool musical?

Her real name is Monique

What is Taylor in hsm real name?

Monique Coleman