Well a Sith is a dark user of the Force, a sixth (1/6) is 0.1666666...
There is a sith in all of the star wars movies.
First of all, in Star Wars, Zabrak is a type of species. So, a Zabrack sith is just like any other sith, just that the person is a Zabrack. One Zabrack sith is Darth Maul.
to get a dual lightsaber/ double lightsaber on star wars you need to be a sith inquisitor or jedi consular and get one of these advanced classes Sith inquisitor= Sith assassin Jedi consular= Jedi shadow
The Ultimate Sith edition has three bonus missions and unlike the original edition where you can choose one of two different endings, the Sith edition has only one ending, and it is the Sith ending
DARK LORD OF THE SITH!! muahahahahaha! Obi-Wan is my bff....
A sith stalker is a assain
yes, he's the main sith character in the movies. anyone with darth in their name is a sith
There are several words that rhyme with sith. Here are some of them. kith pith smith with
The duration of Sith Apprentice is 720.0 seconds.
Darth sidous is not the first sith lord. The sith was orignally a species and then they died out now they are something like the jedi the first original sith lord was I think Naga Shadow naga shadow was the 5th or 6th sith lord the first dark jedi was xandor The first dark jedi was xandor but the first sith was Marka Ragnos. Wrong the first sith was Darth Bane and the first Jedi was Yoda
The plot in all the Star Wars Movies and books alike (except the Yuzzuvong war) is the Sith vs the Jedi. If not Sith then it is Dark Jedi which are almost like Sith. Always good Jedi Vs bad Sith and Dark Jedi. I LOVE IT.
After he fell to the dark side, then yes, he became a Sith
Sith Apprentice was created on 2005-03-29.
How the Sith Stole Christmas was created in 2002.
There is a sith in all of the star wars movies.
First of all, in Star Wars, Zabrak is a type of species. So, a Zabrack sith is just like any other sith, just that the person is a Zabrack. One Zabrack sith is Darth Maul.
to get a dual lightsaber/ double lightsaber on star wars you need to be a sith inquisitor or jedi consular and get one of these advanced classes Sith inquisitor= Sith assassin Jedi consular= Jedi shadow