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You could say "en la esquina lejos".

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Q: What is corner in Spanish?
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How do you spell corner in spanish?


What does la esquina mean in spanish?

the corner

Where Is Espana?

España is the Spanish name for Spain. It is a country in the southwest corner of Europe.

Where did the Spanish flu hit?

The Spanish Flu was a true Pandemic, affecting every corner of the world.

Something that rhimes with melon in spanish?

pelon-slang for bald rincon-corner

What does mi canton mean in spanish?

"Mi canton" in Spanish can be translated as "my hometown" or "my neighborhood." It refers to the area or locality where a person is from or where they currently live.

Does Carl's Corner make printable activities for foreign languages?

"Yes, Carl's corner does make printable activities for foreign languages. They offer printable activities in Spanish, Norweign, German, and Dolch."

What were the Spanish borderlands located?

There are two major Spanish borderlands. South west of Spain is the country of Portugal and north east of Spain is France.

What language is used in the phrase 'te veo'?

spanish. Means 'I see you' or 'I'm keeping an eye on you', and usually accompanied with one forefinger pulling down the outer corner of the eye.

What is rinconcito?

Rinconcito is a Spanish term that translates to "little corner" in English. It is often used to refer to a small or cozy area within a larger space, such as a restaurant or home, where people can relax or gather.

Can you ask questions in this website in Spanish?

Yes, you can. There is a place for questions in Spanish here: In the top right corner, there is a button that says English. Click on it and select Español.

How do you say corner in spanish?

el rincon (with an accent on the 'o')