The fastest pokemon is Latios,2nd is Ninjask,3rd is Linoone,4th is Jolteon,5th is Arodactyl.
Gengar is the fastest Ghost type pokemon.
Deoxys speed form
the fastest water type in silver is kingdra
deoxys speed form
suicune or celibi. they are both super fast
lucario and suicune are the fastest Pokemon
Gengar is the fastest Ghost type pokemon.
Although it has a base 95 speed, which makes it a fast Pokemon, it's hardly the fastest Pokemon. The fastest Pokemon is Deoxys-S, which has a base speed of 180.
The fastest electric type pokemon is probably........... Jolteon
Electrode is the fastest Pokemon there is followed by Jolteon then Aerodactyl. The fastest 2nd generation Pokemon is Crobat.
Latias and Latios are the fastest Dragon-type Pokemon, with a base speed of 180.
The fastest Pokemon you can get is ninjask catch a nincada train it to level 20 and it will become ninjask.
Deoxys Speed Form is the Fastest Pokemon in D/P even though he is a Legendary
Get traded Pokemon and have the Pokemon hold lucky egg.
Deoxys speed form
Emolga and Galvantuala