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There is and there can be no answer to the question about the origins of addition (and subtraction) in classical, modern nor intuitionistic mathematics. This is because 'addition' itself as a quality does not play any role in addition of things in mathematics. Things are brought together with space which makes the bringing together and inside which addition itself resides left out completely. And so you add one orange to another Oranges to get two oranges without knowing what makes it possible. This problem is solved in transfigural mathematics in which one thing is a flow in the other. There you can see that addition itself is a number, a number that flows in things than flow in it. The origins of addition and subtraction are shown to be space itself in transfigural mathematics.

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Q: What is the origins behind the addition and subtraction?
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who discovered addition and subtraction.

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Addition is the inverse operation to subtraction.

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Subtraction is the addition of a negative number.

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Subtraction can be seen as the inverse operation to addition.

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You don't. You can check addition with subtraction or subtraction with addition, since subtraction is the opposite of addition. Similary, you can check division with multiplication, or vice versa.

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Addition is a sum and so is subtraction. So there's your answer!

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d-a-s division-addition-subtraction

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What is the inverse of subtraction?

Addition is the inverse of Subtraction. Division is the inverse of Multiplication. and then visa-versa. :-) Addition is the inverse of Subtraction. Division is the inverse of Multiplication. and then visa-versa. :-) the Answer is subtraction