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Q: Why the development of a new area of science can lead to changes in a theory?
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Which statement best explains why the development of a new area of science can lead to changes in a theory?

The development of a new area of science provides new insights that may not have been around when the original theory was created. For example, a psychological theory created to explain an aspect of human interaction may be altered by advances in the field of neurology if different brain activity is discovered to be occurring than was originally believed when the theory was created.

What can you contribute to the development of science and technology?

If you would like to contribute to the development of science and technology, which is an admirable objective, first you have to decide on a specialty; what area of science and technology interests you the most? Then learn as much as you can about that area, and become an expert. You will then be qualified to do original research and to advance science and technology.

Which Earth Science area has its origins in mythology?

The Earth science area that has its origins in mythology is paleontology. This is the study of the evolution and changes in life on the planet.

What area of physical science is most closely related to the development of radio?

The area of physics, specifically the study of electromagnetic waves, is most closely related to the development of radio technology. Understanding how radio waves propagate and interact with antennas is fundamental in the design and functionality of radio communication systems.

What area of development did Piaget work in?

Piaget was a developmental psychologist who focused on cognitive development in children. He is best known for his theory of cognitive development, which describes how children's thinking evolves as they grow.

The area of Earth science that examines the physical and biological changes that have occurred in Earth and past is called .?

The area of Earth science that examines the physical and biological changes that have occurred in Earth's past is called paleontology. Paleontology focuses on studying fossils and ancient life forms to understand the history of life on Earth.

The area of Earth science that examines the physical and biological changes that have occurred in Earth and past is called?

The area of Earth science that examines the physical and biological changes that have occurred in Earth's past is called paleontology. It focuses on the study of fossils and life forms that existed in ancient times to understand Earth's history and evolution.

The area of Earth science that examines the physical and biological changes that have occurred in Earth's past is called?

Paleoclimatology is the area of Earth science that examines the physical and biological changes that have occurred in Earth's past. It uses evidence such as ice cores, tree rings, and sediment layers to understand past climates and environmental conditions.

How has the local area changed over time?

The local area has evolved with changes in infrastructure, population, and urban development. New businesses have emerged, transportation networks have expanded, and population demographics have shifted over time. These changes contribute to the dynamic nature of the local area.

What is the area of earth science that examines the physical and biology changes that have occurred in earths past called?

The area of earth science that examines the physical and biological changes that have occurred in Earth's past is called paleontology. This field focuses on studying fossils and other evidence to understand the history of life on Earth and how it has evolved over time.

What is the area of earth science that examines the physical and biological changes that have occurred in earth's past is called?

The area of earth science that examines the physical and biological changes that have occurred in Earth's past is called paleontology. It focuses on studying fossilized remains of plants and animals to understand the history of life on our planet and how it has changed over time.

What is a pacific theory tagalog?

"Pacific theory" refers to the concept that local languages in the Pacific region, such as Tagalog, are shaped by historical and cultural factors unique to the area. This theory emphasizes the influence of geographical and social contexts on the development and structure of languages in the Pacific.