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Yes, approximately 80% of Colombia's population lives in the valleys and highland plateaus of the Andes mountain range. This region is known for its moderate climate, fertile lands, and access to freshwater sources, making it a popular area for settlement and agriculture.

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Q: Does nearly 80 percent of colombias people live in the valleys and highland plateaus of the Andes?
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What is a category name for valleys plateaus and mountains?

The category name for valleys, plateaus, and mountains is "landforms" or "topography."

What classifications does valleys plateaus and mountains go in?

Valleys, plateaus, and mountains are geographically classified as landforms. Valleys are low areas between hills or mountains, plateaus are elevated flat regions, and mountains are tall, natural elevations of the earth's surface.

What features of topography which are common to all highland areas?

Highland areas typically have steep slopes, rugged terrain, higher elevation, and are often characterized by mountains, plateaus, and valleys. They tend to have cooler climates, receive more precipitation, and have a varied landscape due to erosion processes shaping the land over time. Additionally, highland areas are often associated with diverse ecosystems and unique flora and fauna adapted to the challenging conditions.

Does New Hampshire have any mountains valleys volcanoes deserts plateaus or mesas?

New Hampshire is known for its mountains, with the White Mountains being the most prominent range in the state. It does not have any deserts, plateaus, mesas, valleys, or volcanoes.

What were major landforms in the Aztec empire?

The Aztec empire was characterized by several major landforms, including mountains, valleys, and lakes. The capital city of Tenochtitlan was situated on an island in Lake Texcoco, surrounded by marshes and causeways. The Valley of Mexico, with its fertile highland plateaus, was also a significant geographic feature of the Aztec empire.

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What kinds of landforms are found in the highland climates of Mexico and central America?

In the highland climates of Mexico and Central America, you can find landforms such as mountains, plateaus, valleys, and volcanoes. These areas are characterized by rugged terrain and high elevation, which contribute to their cooler temperatures compared to lowland regions.

What is a category name for valleys plateaus and mountains?

The category name for valleys, plateaus, and mountains is "landforms" or "topography."

What classifications does valleys plateaus and mountains go in?

Valleys, plateaus, and mountains are geographically classified as landforms. Valleys are low areas between hills or mountains, plateaus are elevated flat regions, and mountains are tall, natural elevations of the earth's surface.

What category is valleys plateaus and mountains in?


What are some landforms?

valleys, hills, mountains, plateaus, cliffs, canyons, and valleys

What are some of the landforms and bodies of water?

mountains, lakes, plateaus, and valleys.

What are the Mesopotamia's physical features?

There are both fertile plateaus and river valleys.

Where do most of columbia's people live?

In the valleys and high plateaus of the Andes

What is a region that has similar landforms such as plains mountain or valleys?


What type of landforms would you finf in mountains and plateaus?

Landforms that you may find in mountains and plateaus would be valleys and hills. These are also landforms.

Is a plateau in an ocean or plains or the deserts or the valleys or mountains?

Plateaus are usually found in deserts.

What are 8 landformations?

Mountains Plateaus Valleys Deserts Dunes Island Plains Rivers