The area of Republic of the Congo is 342,000 square kilometres.
That of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is 2,345,409 square kilometres.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is approximately 2,345,410 square kilometers in size, making it the second largest country in Africa by land area.
The total area of Congo is approximately 342,000 square kilometers.
69484 square kilometers is equivalent to about 26,811 square miles.
Nairobi covers an area of about 696 square kilometers.
Tahiti has a total land area of about 1,045 square kilometers (403 square miles).
Illinois has a total area of around 57,914 square miles, which is approximately 149,997 square kilometers.
The total area of Congo is approximately 342,000 square kilometers.
The area of Bas-Congo is 53,920 square kilometers.
The area of Republic of the Congo is 342,000 square kilometers.
905,567 square miles
Amazon Rainforest - about 5,500,000 km2
177 square kilometers
69484 square kilometers is equivalent to about 26,811 square miles.
103000 square kilometers
3,000 acres = 4.6874 square miles = 12.1406 square kilometers (rounded)
The Philippines has a total land area of 300,000 square kilometers.
Nairobi covers an area of about 696 square kilometers.