Onondaga County, NY has a total area of 806 square miles.
Marion, NY to Rochester, NY is approximately 26 miles by car.
The distance between Vestal, NY and Rome, NY is approximately 110 miles.
The distance from Watertown NY to Ohio NY is approximately 120 miles.
The distance from the Bronx, NY to Lake George, NY is approximately 200 miles.
The town of Hempstead, NY covers an area of 191.3 square miles.
47,190.075 square miles. (State of New York)
About 2.4 square miles.
It is approx 1400 square miles.
Onondaga County, NY has a total area of 806 square miles.
Westchester County, NY covers 500 square miles.
Onondaga County, NY is 806 square miles.
The town of Woodstock, NY covers 67.84 square miles.
54,556 sq. miles (141,300 км²) is NY. Bulgaria is less than 52,000 sq miles
North Tonawanda, NY has a land area of approximately 7.3 square miles.
Approximately 10'235 miles
Zero miles. New York is a city in the state of NY. The Empire State Building is in the city of NY in Manhattan .