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Siam (Thailand) modernized its administration, negotiated treaties with European powers, and balanced power dynamics to maintain its independence. It emphasized diplomacy, playing off rival colonial powers against each other and conceding certain territories to prevent colonization. Additionally, being a buffer state between British-controlled Burma and French-controlled Indochina helped Siam avoid direct colonization.

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Q: How did Siam manage to remain independent while other countries in the area where being colonized?
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How did Thailand manage to remain a free state?

Thailand was able to remain a free state by never being colonized by a European power. The country maintained its independence through skillful diplomacy, playing off the rivalries between colonial powers, and adopting modernization and reforms to adapt to changing global dynamics. Thailand's strategic location and strong cultural identity also helped in safeguarding its sovereignty.

Territories belong to whom in all countries over which britishers ruled?

Territories in countries that were once ruled by the British are now under the sovereignty of the independent nations that gained their independence from British colonial rule. Each country now governs its own territory.

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As of now, there are no major changes in terms of new countries joining Europe. The countries comprising Europe are expected to remain the same as they are today.

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The mountain ranges in northern and western regions of India acted as natural barriers, making it difficult for external invaders to penetrate and conquer the region. These rugged terrains provided strategic advantages for defense by limiting access to the mainland, thus helping India remain relatively isolated and independent.

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No, the IGCSE syllabus may vary slightly between countries as some countries may have specific requirements or topics that are included in their own versions of the syllabus. However, the core subjects and general structure of the IGCSE syllabus remain consistent across most countries.

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How did Siam manage to remain independent while countries in the area were being colonized?

Siam decided to be neutral so the British or french couldn't get his land. then he modernized his country after that.That was the result of British and French agreement used Siam as the buffer

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