In Uttar Pradesh, there are 5.3306 bigha in one hectare. This conversion rate may vary in other regions of India.
Australia is a country itself and not made up of multiple countries. It is a continent and a sovereign nation.
Australia is the only continent made up of only one country, Australia.Australia is also part of a larger region that many mistake to be a continent. This region is Oceania (often referred to as Australia and Oceania) and includes Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and the South Pacific island nations. However, since this is not a massive, continued piece of landmass, it is not considered a continent (it is also made up of 13 countries).Australia.
A country made up of many islands is called an archipelago. Examples include Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Maldives.
Maryland is made up of 23 counties.
The two continents that make up one big land mass are known as Eurasia.
1,000m2 per hectare.
The hectare is ten thousand square metres, so: 1/10000 ha = 1 m2
Very good question I will give full details: The traditional measurment of area of land in India is based on Yard (Gaj) and not in Meter it started from Gattha. Now see the Unit below: 1. Gattha is a measurment instrument (Bamboo stik or Iron Rod) used to measure mainly Agriculture Land and is equal to 99 inches. 2. The Land Area which is 1 Squire Gattha (1 Gattha Long X 1 Gattha Wide) is know as 1 Biswasi and equal to 7.5625 Squire Yard. 3. 20 Biswasi (20 Squire Gattha) is known as 1 Bissa and equal to 151.25 Squire Yard. Now there is a confusion in Bigha. In East of UP 1 Bigha is equal to 20 Bissa which is also known as 1 Packka Bigha in West UP and Haryana and equal to 3 Bigha (Kacha Bigha) 3. 1 Pakka Bigha is equal to 20 Bissa which is equal to 3025 Squire Yard. 4. 1 Kachha Bigha is equal to 20/3 Bissa which is equal to 1008.33 Squire Yard.
Well, darling, a rugby field is about 1.01 hectares in size. So if you're looking to fill up a whole hectare with rugby fields, you're looking at just about one field with a little extra room for some cheeky scrums and lineouts.
The unit larger than a hectare is a square kilometer. A hectare is equal to 10,000 square meters, while a square kilometer is equal to 1,000,000 square meters. Therefore, a square kilometer is 100 times larger than a hectare in terms of area measurement.
Well, your question can't be answered as asked, but I think I know what you are asking. So, here's all you need to answer your question: There are 107,639 square feet to an hectare; there are 0.3048 meters to a foot. Now all you need to do is calculate the length and width of a square containing 5,000 hectare in feet, and convert that to meters, and divide by 1000, and you have your answer! Everything you need to derive an answer is in this paragraph. Now, there is a faster way. First how many square meters to an hectare? How may km then is a square hectare on a side? Now, line up 5,000 of them. What's the answer?
Only once. When it has been cut down it does not sprout up, and grow grain again. You need to get a grain of rice seed and plant it, to get more rice. You can only harvest the crop once.
'Marginal Farmer' means a farmer cultivating (as owner or tenant or share cropper) agricultural land up to 1 hectare (2.5 acres). 'Small Farmer' means a farmer cultivating (as owner or tenant or share cropper) agricultural land of more than 1 hectare and up to 2 hectares (5 acres).
Up to 8.
From one up to as many as five.