Madagascar is approximately 226,917 square miles in size.
about how many miles from maelbourne to ocala answer plize
There are 22.37 miles in 36 kilometers.
The distance from Shirebrook to Skegness is approximately 70 miles by road.
Uvalde, Texas is approximately 160 miles from the Mexican border.
Miles is the imperial unit of measuring distances. Kilometers or meters is the metric unit. 1 mile is 1.6093 km. So to convert km to miles, we divide by 1.6093. The corresponding distance in miles is 3728.2
6000km long
Just under 6000km as the crow flys
Sri lanka is an island.It has more 6000km in length.
Just under 6000km as the crow flys
The radius of the earth is more than 6000km,to reach the centre of the earth we have to dig a whole to this depth which is impossible
"Near" is a relative term. Australia is certainly closer to the Philippines than America is. From Australia's capital city of Canberra to the Philippines capital of Manila is a distance of 6254 km, or 3374 nautical miles.
We cannot go there because if we want to go there we have to dig a hole of 6000km and it is impossible but if we digged it than we were die because of fire and lava it were in centre of the earth.
The answer is how many miles from WHERE?