The conversion rate is 1ha
so 150000ha = 1500.00sqkm.
5000 hectares is equivalent to 50 square kilometers.
3.5 hectares is equal to 0.035 square kilometers. To convert from hectares to square kilometers, you divide by 100.
To convert hectares to square kilometers, you divide by 100. Therefore, 3679.22 hectares is equal to 36.7922 square kilometers.
The area of Can Loc District in Ha Tinh province, Vietnam is approximately 283 square kilometers.
There are 50,000 square meters in 5 hectares. This is because 1 hectare is equal to 10,000 square meters.
The area of Dong Ha is 72.96 square kilometers.
The area of Ha Long is 208.7 square kilometers.
The area of Bac Ha District is 680 square kilometers.
The area of Ha Giang province is 7,945.8 square kilometers.
The area of Dak Ha District is 844 square kilometers.
The area of Son Ha District is 750 square kilometers.
The area of Ha Hoa District is 340 square kilometers.
The area of Dam Ha District is 290 square kilometers.
The area of Ha Nam province is 852.2 square kilometers.
The area of Ha Trung District is 244 square kilometers.
The area of Thanh Ha District is 159 square kilometers.
The area of Ha Tay province is 2,192.1 square kilometers.