The 45th US State in size, it covers 9,351 square miles.
No, Massachusetts is bigger in terms of land area compared to New Hampshire. Massachusetts has a total area of approximately 10,554 square miles, whereas New Hampshire has a total area of about 9,349 square miles.
New Jersey has the highest population density in the United States with approximately 1,200 people per square mile.
New Jersey has a total area of approximately 8,722 square miles.
The average square mile of a city can vary widely depending on the city's population density and geographic size. Larger cities like New York City may have a higher average square mile due to their dense urban areas, while smaller cities may have a lower average square mile.
0.0015625 Square milesNote: Square miles are almost never used because they are so massive.EX> All of central park in New york is only 1.21562 Square miles
Strafford County, New Hampshire is 384 square miles.
According to, the 2007 population density estimate of New Hampshire is 147 people per square mile and the 2007 total population estimate of New Hampshire is 1,315,809 people.
New Hampshire is 9,350 square miles.
New Hampshire's area is 9,349.1 square miles.
There are approximately 4 McDonald's restaurants per square mile in New Jersey.
The 45th US State in size, it covers 9,351 square miles.
381.84 sq mi
The area of New Hampshire is 9,304 square miles and the population is 1,316,470
What is the typical per square foot cost to build in New Hampshire (not including land)?
North Dakota shares a 310 mile border with Canada while New Hampshire only has a 58 mile Canadian border.
The region of New England covers a total area of 71,991.8 square miles.
The address of the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance is: 7 Eagle Square, Concord, NH 03301