Guernsey has a total land area of about 30 square miles. It is one of the Channel Islands located in the English Channel.
The distance from London, UK, to Guernsey, Channel Islands, is about 130 miles. This can vary slightly depending on the specific route taken.
Guernsey Island is located in the English Channel, off the coast of Normandy, France. It is one of the Channel Islands, which are British Crown dependencies.
Madagascar is approximately 226,917 square miles in size.
Iraq spans approximately 167,400 square miles.
The island of Guernsey covers an area of approximately 30 square miles. See the related link for more info.
Alderney is the third largest Channel Island
Guernsey has a total land area of about 30 square miles. It is one of the Channel Islands located in the English Channel.
Guernsey with 50 square miles
Guernsey containing 50 square miles
About 220 miles driving distance.
The distance from London, UK, to Guernsey, Channel Islands, is about 130 miles. This can vary slightly depending on the specific route taken.
Guernsey Island is located in the English Channel, off the coast of Normandy, France. It is one of the Channel Islands, which are British Crown dependencies.
Guernsey's population density is 836.3 people per square kilometer.
The area of Guernsey State Park is 15.216 square kilometers.
260,558 square miles
Madagascar is approximately 226,917 square miles in size.