The Philippines has a total land area of about 120,000 square miles.
The land area of Syria is approximately 71,500 square miles.
Vietnam has a total land area of about 128,000 square miles.
Texas has a land area of approximately 268,597 square miles.
China has a total land area of approximately 3.7 million square miles.
316944046.766 square mi. in the world including land and water
The land area of Brazil is approx 3,227,000 square miles.
Canada - 3,511,000 square miles of land area.
3,571 square miles.
Arizona has a total area of 113,998 square miles.
678 square miles, of which, 675 square miles of it is land and 3 square miles of it is water.
The Philippines has a total land area of about 120,000 square miles.
The land area of Syria is approximately 71,500 square miles.
163696 square miles of total area. Of that, about 4.7% is water, leaving about 156002.3 square miles of land area.
As of August 2013 forests cover 31 percent of the world's land surface, just over 4 billion hectares or about 15,444,086 square miles.
The total land area of Earth is approximately 57.5 million square miles.
Iowa, USA - Land area: 55,869.36 square miles.