The distance from Midland, TX to San Antonio, TX is approximately 325 miles by car, taking about 5-6 hours to drive depending on traffic and route taken.
The population density of Bang Pla Ma District in Thailand is approximately 428 people per square kilometer.
220 degrees Celsius is equal to 428 degrees Fahrenheit. This conversion can be calculated using the formula: (ยฐC ร 9/5) + 32 = ยฐF.
The driving distance between Miami, FL and Waycross, GA is 428 miles. The driving time would be approximately 7 hours, 30 minutes if you were to drive non-stop in good conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
399 miles on US-23 S,or a better route would be a little bit longer, but a lot easier and it is 428 miles taking this route:Follow SR-75 SOUTH, from Helen, to U.S. 129 SOUTH to GAINESVILLE, at the junction in Cleveland. Turn left onto U.S. 129 SOUTH.Take U.S. 129 SOUTH to I-985 SOUTH towards ATLANTA, outside of Gainesville.Take I-985 SOUTH to I-85 SOUTH to ATLANTA.Take I-85 SOUTH to I-75 SOUTH to MACON, via I-285 EAST ATLANTA BYPASS (EXIT 95A off I-85) and via I-675 SOUTH(EXIT 52 off I-285).Take I-75 SOUTH to I-10 EAST to JACKSONVILLE, off EXIT 435 in Lake City, FLORIDA. To bypass MACON, take I-475 SOUTH (EXIT 177 off I-75 in GEORGIA).Take I-10 EAST to JACKSONVILLE.
428 km = 265,946 9 miles
The area of Cheremkhovo is 428 square kilometers.
The area of Bratsk is 428 square kilometers.
The area of Renacimiento District is 428 square kilometers.
Toronto is 428 miles (689 kilometers) from Boston.
The area of Duc Hue District is 428 square kilometers.
The area of Cat Tien District is 428 square kilometers.
428 miles = 688.8 km
The distance from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Portsmouth, Ohio, is 428 air miles. That equals 689 kilometers or 372 nautical miles.
0.081 miles.
1 square meter = 10.7 square feet 40 x 10.7 = 428 40 sq. m. = 428 sq. ft.