The recommended seed rate for sugar bean is around 50-60 kg per hectare, depending on the variety and planting method. It is important to follow local recommendations or consult with agricultural experts for specific guidance based on your region's conditions.
Woad is a plant that produces blue dye. It can be purchased from specialty dye suppliers, craft stores, or online retailers that focus on natural dyes and textile arts. Additionally, some gardening centers may sell woad plants for individuals interested in growing their own dye source.
is a yellowish-orangish like the fruit apricot. So it is a Greek word. And also i has been used as a color name since. Did you know it was similar to the color of apricots?? Last did u know the it had a big seed in the middle of it. When u cut open there it is. Wow loll so that is what a apricot is.
The cotton capital of the world is often considered to be Memphis, Tennessee, in the United States. The city plays a significant role in the cotton industry, with a history of cotton trading and processing.
Farmers transformed the region into a breadbasket by implementing irrigation techniques, using mechanized farming equipment, and practicing crop rotation to increase agricultural output. They also adopted new seed varieties and modern farming methods to boost crop production and meet the growing demand for food.
Farmers raised less food on larger plots of land
Yes, a bean is a seed. It is a seed for a bean plant. Bean is often said in place of seed. I hope this makes it easier to understand. :)
It depends how big the seeds are and how far apart they have to be spaced when planting.
A bean is a seed.
Bean plants are seed producing plants
No you can not replace a bean nuclei with an olive seed.
The red kidney bean is a dicot seed because it has two cotyledons (seed leaves)
A jelly bean?
The bean is the seed of the plant.
The scientific name for a sugar bean is Phaseolus vulgaris.
The seed of the coffee plant looks rather exactly like a coffee bean, because it is a coffee bean.